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Legal informations

Publisher official information

You are currently connected on web www.dordogneriding.com

Publisher :

Dordogne Riding - Jane E A Hanslip
Le Bourdil Blanc 24520 Saint Sauveur de Bergerac, FRANCE
Mobile : ++44 7768 747 610 & ++33 6 32 62 43 15
Tel : ++33 5 53 22 76 08

Publisher commit itself to respect laws regading website publishing and activity.

Technical information

It is reminded that corresopndances secrecy on the web is not guaranteed and it is for every user to undertake every relevant measures in order to protect its ows data and/or softwares from potential web virus pollution.

Personal data

You have access and amendment right on any infrmation about you.

Liens hypertextes

Creation of links to "www.dordogneriding.com" is submitted to previous agreement of publishing manager.

Links to other web sites from "www.dordogneriding.com" web site , shallnever, in any case, comit Dordogne Riding responsability.

Creation and Hosting

Point SysSociété Point Sys
7 bis rue de Verdun 49630 Mazé

Tél. 02 41 78 47 05 - Fax 02 41 80 27 24

WebSite : www.point-sys.com
E-mail : webmaster@point-sys.com


The reproduction or representation, whole or partial pages, information, or any other element constituting this site, in any manner, without authorisation, is strictly forbidden and will be pursued in the courts of law prevailing.